How to use your digital ID

If you have not done it yet, visit our step-by-step welcome guide to get set up your ID card.

Most likely you will use your digital ID for logging into Estonian governmental and private e-services and digitally signing and encrypting documents.

e-Residency digital ID card is a digital document that can be used to securely identify a person online. Just like showing identification when completing a credit card transaction at a store, you show your digital ID for verification over the internet so institutions and companies are certain you are you.

Using your digital ID card

ID.EE is the national ID card technical support in Estonia. If starting to use your digital ID card online seems difficult or daunting, they are there to assist you throughout the process.

On their website, you can find how-to videos, support articles, step-by-step solution finders and the contacts of the support team.

Your digital identity

When granted e-Residency, you will also be issued an Estonian personal identification code. A personal identification code is a number with 11 digits containing your gender and birth date as part of the information and it is your unique name in Estonian e-services.

Your personal identification code will remain the same for the rest of your life, even if you will change your name or apply for a different document in Estonia.

Your personal identification code is public by design, meaning the information is only as sensitive as your name and birthday. Your personal code is intended for identification, not authorisation purposes.

The story your personal code tells is: 

The first number 1 - male born between 1800-1899
2 - female born between 1800-1899
3 - male born 1900-1999
4 - female born 1900 - 1999
5 - male born 2000 - 2099
6 - female born 2000 - 2099

Second and third number - last two numbers of your year of birth
Fourth and fifth number - the month of birth
Sixth and seventh number - date of birth
eighth, ninth, tenth number - order number
eleventh number - control number

For example, if your personal code is 4891020xxxx you would be a female born in 1989 and your birthday is October 20th (4 89 10 20 xxxx).

Quick PIN code overview

When using your digital ID card, the same PIN codes apply to all e-services, they are universal. No more multiple usernames and passwords!

  • PIN1: The personal identification process, like login, will require entering PIN1. To log in using your digital ID card, you must have physical possession of the card, a card reader and know your PIN1.
  • PIN2: For digital signatures, or to confirm a payment, you will additionally need PIN2. This confirms that you agree to complete the action.

Read more about your PIN codes here, and be sure to review our article on digital ID safety.

Practical tips

Check out ID card technical help instructions on different ways you can digitally sign or encrypt documents!

E-services commonly used by e-residents

Below is a list of the most commonly used Estonian government e-services. Visit our Marketplace for a collection of services that will enable you to make the most of your digital ID. 

State Portal Log in to see and manage your personal information
Service Providers Some service providers have integrated e-Residency digital ID log in on their websites
e-Business Register Register your company online an manage your business information
e-Financials Web-based public accounting software
e-Tax/e-Customs Submit relevant documentation to the Estonian Tax and Customs Board
e-Notary  Buy, sell or pledge shares of your Estonian company, authenticate powers of attorney
e-apostille Use e-apostille when you need your company formation documents apostilled

  Digital signature issues

If you encounter issues using your digital signature, the most common reason is that your browser’s digital signing plugins need to be updated. Instructions to properly enable digital signing plugins in your browser can be found at ID card help centre.

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